
Altar and Rosary Society: This organization of the parish’s women goes back a long time and continues to be a blessing for us. The ladies have a major fund raiser each November. Part of their ministry is to send “get well” cards to the shut-ins and those in the hospital. A special party is given to those children who receive First Reconciliation. High School seniors who contribute to ministries in the church are given small monetary gifts. Items pertaining to the Altar (Altar Cloths, Sacred Vessels, etc.) are purchased along with other needed items for church functions.

The Bereavement Committee: This group of dedicated and caring parishioners provide a luncheon following funeral services for those families who have suffered the loss of a loved one. This is offered to those who are active members of the parish. Many men and women of the parish provide the salads, pastas, cakes, pies, etc. If you would like to assist us with food or the preparation for the luncheon, please call the office.

Eucharistic Adoration Committee: This committee has been directing the hours of adoration for more than 20 years. Although a small committee, they are able to direct almost 200 people for their prayer time in the Chapel. This is a great grace for our people and they are always looking for more adorers. “Come and spend an hour a week with the Lord.”

Pastoral Outreach: This group of trained volunteers visits members of our parish who are in the local hospitals or other facilities. These men and women meet once a month to share their experiences. They also sponsor the annual Service for the Anointing of the Sick, which is followed by a “Soup Social.”

The Knights of Columbus: This gathering of local Catholic men is a fraternal organization that is family oriented and whose principles are charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. The Knights are part of a world-wide organization that has done, and continues to do great things for our Catholic Faith. Each year the Knights sponsor our Red Cross Blood Drive, Free Throw Contest, Pasta Dinner, St. Patrick’s Day Dinner, and they provide a breakfast for the First Communion Class on the Feast of Corpus Christi.

Liturgy Committee: This group of volunteers meets a few times a year to plan our seasonal celebrations (Lent/Easter, Ordinary Time, Advent/Christmas). We discuss music, environment, scheduling of Masses and various services. Although not a very large group, much is accomplished. With these volunteers, we are able to provide Saint Catherine’s with some of the best liturgical celebrations in the Northeast.

The Parish Prayer Basket: Each Sunday of the year, upon entering the church, you can always see people placing prayers in the basket that is found on the table at the entranceway from the parking lot. We do provide paper and pens for those who wish to write out their petitions upon arrival for Mass. We, as a community, pray for these intentions at all the Masses celebrated at St. Catherine’s. We then place the basket in our Chapel with the request that all who enter remember these intentions in their prayers. This way the whole parish is part of an active prayer ministry! (These petitions are collected periodically and burned to make room in the basket).

The Pro-life Committee: This is a “standing committee” that serves to remind us about our obligation to protect the unborn, and our need to contribute to this nation-wide organization.