Ushers: These are men who volunteer each week at Mass for the collection and to assist with the lines for Holy Communion. They help to create and maintain a climate of dignity and order for our celebrations.
Altar Servers: These are girls and boys who assist the priest and deacon at the altar of God and enable the celebration to continue in good order.
Readers: These are trained men and women who have the privilege to proclaim the Word of God at our Liturgies. They study their reading and practice it so that they may exercise this ministry with their whole being. They feed us at the altar of the Word.
Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: These are trained men and women of the parish who have the special ministry of “feeding the People of God” with the Holy Eucharist and the Precious Blood. A number of them also bring Holy Communion to the shut-ins.
Music Ministry: These women and men accompany our liturgies on their instruments, and sing as cantors or in our Adult Choir, Youth Choir, or Funeral Choir. Our music ministry is a strong point in our celebrations and helps us raise our hearts and souls to the Lord in our worship and praise.
Adult Altar Servers: These are women and men who assist the priest and deacon at the altar of God and enable the celebration to continue in good order. They assist funeral and special masses throughout the year.
Youth Ministry: Needs to be filled in…